Janet Galasso
Artist | Designer | Educator
Welcome to my site! Please take a look around. You’ll find I have an eclectic variety of artwork.
I’ve been working professionally in the Arts since 1997 with experience in Graphic Design Freelance, Pre-Press Production, and Fine Art in a variety of media. I’ve most recently started to focus on the Art / Craft Fair Market and keeping an active Etsy Shop. Since 2006, I’ve been a High School Art Educator and I absolutely love it!
My site is an outpouring of my creativity when I’m not teaching. I’m slowly adding to it and I take commissions as well. Have an idea? Let’s see if we can make it happen together!
Please check out my social media for updates to find out what’s going on in my studio!
Please ask any questions on my Contact page.
Janet Galasso, (b. Waterbury, CT USA)
M.S. Education, University of Bridgeport, 2005
B.F.A. Digital Art and Design, Long Island University, C.W.Post Campus, 2002
Solo Exhibitions:
2018 Open Studios Hartford, Colt Gateway, Hartford, CT
2018 Bikes Across the Atlantic, Starbucks Coffee, Newington, CT
2017 Open Studios Hartford, Colt Gateway, Hartford, CT
2015 Bottlecap Art Display, Starbucks Coffee, Watertown, CT
2014 Going With the Flow, Barley Vine Gastropub, Bristol, CT
2012 The Griffin School Series, Starbucks Coffee, Watertown, CT
Juried Exhibitions:
2017 #IBelieveinWaterbury, Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury, CT
2017 7th Annual Juried Photo Show, Art League of New Britain, New Britain, CT
2015 Nor’Easter 45th Annual Juried Members Exhibition,
New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, CT
Group Exhibitions:
2018 Mending Art Exhibit with IC Artists and Mental Health Connecticut, Artspace, Hartford, CT
2018 Un Año Despues Maria, Art League of New Britain, New Britain, CT
2018 Berlin Fair, Mixed Media Exhibition, Berlin, CT
2017 Small Works Exhibition/Sale, Art League of New Britain, New Britain, CT
2017 Open Studios Hartford, Artspace Group Show, Hartford, CT
2017 27th Annual Members Carriage House Exhibition, Art League of New Britain, New Britain, CT
2017 Mending Art Exhibit with IC Artists and Mental Health Connecticut, Artspace, Hartford, CT
2017 Berlin Fair, Photography Contest/Exhibition, Berlin, CT
2016 Vote for Us, Unity Art Show, Artspace, Hartford, CT
2016 Art for Bernie Show, Artspace, Hartford, CT
2014 Precious Places and Pet Portraits, Farmington Valley Arts Center, Farmington, CT
2014 3rd Annual Berlin High School Faculty Art Show, Berlin Peck Memorial Library, Berlin, CT
2013 Self Portrait Show, Artwell Gallery, Torrington, CT
2013 Show for a Show, Artwell Gallery, Torrington, CT
2013 2nd Annual Berlin High School Faculty Art Show, Berlin Peck Memorial Library, Berlin, CT
2013 Make it POP!, Community Central, New Britain, CT
2013 3 x 3” Miniature Show, The Artist’s Path Gallery, Bantam, CT
2012 Munny Madness II, Paris in Plantsville Gallery, Plantsville, CT
2012 Occupy the Whitehouse, Artwell Gallery, Torrington, CT
2012 Berlin High School Faculty Art Show, Berlin Peck Memorial Library, Berlin, CT
2012 Housi River Fest Exhibition, Artwell Gallery, Torrington, CT
2011 Mixed Media Show, Artwell Gallery, Torrington, CT
2010 The Block Party, Artwell Gallery, Torrington, CT
2002 BFA Digital Art and Design Multimedia Night, Long Island University, Brookville, NY
2002 BFA Digital Art and Design Group Show, Long Island University, Brookville, NY
2001 Identity, History, and Hegemony, The Void, New York, NY
Art/Craft Fairs:
November 2018, Watertown Park and Recreation’s Holiday Marketplace, Watertown, CT
November 2018, Yankee Peddler Craft Fair, Berlin Congregational Church, Berlin, CT
October 2018 – Southington Apple Harvest Festival Arts and Crafts Market, Southington, CT
Summer 2018 – Cromwell and Berlin Farmers Markets, Cromwell and Berlin, CT
June 2018 – CT Open House Day, Vendor Fair at Fascia’s Chocolates, Waterbury, CT
April 2018 – Litchfield Indoor Farmers Market, Litchfield, CT
February 2018, Craft/Vendor Fair to Benefit the Kenya Project, East Berlin, CT
February 2018, Classic Shows Model Railroad, Train and Toy Show, Wallingford, CT
December 2017, W.F. Kaynor Technical High School Craft Fair, Waterbury, CT
November 2017, Watertown Park and Recreation’s Holiday Marketplace, Watertown, CT
November 2017, Yankee Peddler Craft Fair, Berlin Congregational Church, Berlin, CT
“Summer Art in Bristol Tonight“, Waterbury Republican-American, September 2014
Piazzaroli, Robby “Oakville artist to be featured in pub’s ‘Summer Art Night Series‘”,
Town Times, August, 2014
Seminar Teaching:
2016 Guest Artist Presentation, Mental Health Connecticut, Waterbury, CT
2014 Marketplace Sketching, Artwell Gallery, Torrington, CT
2009 Team Building in the Art Classroom, CAEA Fall Conference, Waterbury, CT
2018: Berlin Fair, Berlin, CT – 2nd Place, Adult Art: Mixed Media
2016: Berlin Fair, Berlin, CT – 1st Place, Adult Art: Graphic Design/Computer Art
1997: Connecticut Regional Scholastic Art Awards, Silver Key, Computer Graphics
Professional Organizations:
National Art Education Association
Connecticut Art Education Association
New Britain Museum of American Art
Art League of New Britain